The white powder-coated design has been created especially for use within the healthcare industry. The channel-free design eliminates dust and other impurities from building up on the track, making Omnitrack® the ideal choice when maintaining sanitary conditions at all times is of utmost importance.
The made-to-measure track leaves no gaps between the curtain removal point and the wall bracket, ensuring 100% privacy levels. It can either be fitted on suspension hangers or directly onto the ceiling depending on your requirements.
Omnitrack® Specification
- Made from high grade aluminium
- Compatible with Fast-Fit, Universal and Uni-Glide curtains
- Select from straight, L-shape or U-shape layouts
- Accepts disposable curtains with both internal and external gliders
- Made to measure tracks
- The only track on the market with no channels, so no dust traps and no rubber capping required
- Provides 360° privacy levels
- PushClick curtain removal point included for quick and easy curtain change

No Channels
Omnitrack® has been designed with the importance of hygiene in mind, meaning there are no channels on the track for dirt to get trapped in.

Future Proof
Omnitrack® can be made to any size, shape and layout and provides a one-stop-shop solution thanks to the flexibility of its dual-track system.

The unique dual-track design allows for compatibility with multiple curtain hooks, making it the only curtain track you will ever need.